Our Ministries

Eastview has many wonderful ministries that cover all ages and spectrums of life. At Eastview, there is something for everyone. To learn more about the ministries listed below or how you can get involved contact the director listed or call the church office. You can find ministry events & activity listed on our Church Calendar or Weekly Church Bulletin.  Follow us, many of our ministries have their own social media pages or groups.




Prayer Ministry

Prayer is a vital part of the Christian’s life. We encourage our members to have a time of personal prayer and devotion every day.
Family Prayer Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month from 7-8 PM.
Prayer & Fast Week usually takes place the second week of the month.
Ladies Prayer is held on Tuesdays from 10-11 AM. Director: Sissy Skillern
Men’s Prayer is held on Tuesdays from 7-8 AM. Director: Lanny Wilkerson
If you would like to submit a prayer request click the following link: SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST.

Eastview Children’s Ministry

Children’s Pastor: Rev. Conlen Jones
Sunday School Directors: Glen & Pat Jones
WOW! Director: Jennifer Jones
We believe we are divinely called to minister to children. Children were important to Christ, so that makes them important to us. At Eastview Children’s Ministry we don’t babysit- we minister to every child! From the moment children arrive at an ECM event or service, it’s all about them! ECM is an exciting and vibrant place where children are encouraged and taught the word of God. All classes are filled with fun, interactive learning opportunities.
Children age 4-11 can enjoy:
  • Sunday School, held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM and a free breakfast that is served from 9:00 AM until 9:45AM in the Children’s Center.
  • WOW! Kid’s Ministry is held on Wednesday nights at 7 PM. A light meal or snack is provided at 6:30 PM.
  • Tweens Ministry (for ages 10 & 11) meet Sunday Mornings at 10 AM and Wednesday nights at 7 PM in their classroom.
Look for special activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.
Follow Eastview Children’s Ministry on Facebook.



We love children, and we encourage you to bring your little ones to church and model worship for them. We understand children will be children, but even at an early age, children can feel the love of Jesus and can show Him their love.
On Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights, we offer a staffed Nursery for ages 6 weeks to age 3. On Sunday mornings, ages 6 weeks to age 2 meet in the Nursery Classroom and ages 2 & 3 meet in Toddler Classroom for Sunday School.
We do not offer a staffed nursery during the Sunday evening service. However, we have two nurseries or cry rooms in the back of our sanctuary for our families with children under the age of 3. One room is a family nursery, and the other is designated for mothers only.


Eastview Youth Ministry

Youth Pastor: Kenny & Keila Hendrick
At Eastview Youth there are are plenty of ways to connect with God, your peers, and the community. Eastview Youth is a servant-minded ministry aimed at helping students age 12 to 17 find true purpose and meaning in life.
Students meets on Sunday mornings in the main auditorium and are dismissed to their FOUNDATIONS class after praise and worship. They meet bi-weekly for either FOUNDATIONS class or ELEVATE YOUTH SERVICE on Wednesday Nights at 7 PM in the Family Life Center. On alternate weeks and on Sunday nights students meet in the main auditorium for anointed teaching, preaching, and worship with the Eastview church family.
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.


Hyphen College & Career Ministry

Directors: Rev. John & Krystal Riley
The Hyphen Ministry of Eastview is a vibrant group of single young adults ages 18 & up who desire to keep Jesus at the center of their lives. With classes meeting bi-weekly on Wednesday nights at 7 PM and plenty of social activities and volunteer opportunities, young adults are sure to find a place to belong.
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.

Single Adult Ministry

Eastview is blessed to have an incredible Single Adult Ministry. Find friends for life, support, and encouragement from those who have been there, and top it off with loads of F-U-N and you have only scratched the surface of Eastview Singles Ministry. Come hang out with this amazing group… you’ll never be the same!
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.


Young Marrieds’

Directors: Rev. Jeremy & Erica Gilliam
Married couples who are under age 35 and have been married less than 10 years are considered “Young” Marrieds here at Eastview. The YM Class meets bi-weekly on Wednesday nights at 7 PM. YM’s enjoy regular monthly hang-out events, and an annual marriage retreat. YM also hosts Eastview’s Annual Marriage Conference open to married couples of all ages.
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.

Middle Married Couples

Directors: Robert & Christie Trawick
Married Couples is a fellowship group for married couples ages 35-59 that meets monthly. Eastview also hosts an annual Marriage Conference open to all married couples. Watch the weekly bulletin and monthly calendars for events and outings for this group.
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.

JOY Group

Directors: Glen & Pat Jones
JOY (Just Older Youth) is a fellowship group for members age 60 and above. They meet monthly.
Watch for event and activity information in our church calendar or the weekly bulletin.


Ladies Ministry

Eastview Ladies Ministry serves the needs of not only the women of our church, but the needs of women in our community. In addition to hosting showers and preparing food for special events, get-togethers are held each quarter as a time for fellowship for all the women in the church.
Look for events and activities on our church calendar or in the weekly bulletin.

Legacy Ladies

Director: Doris Williams
Legacy Ladies is the name chosen for the widows group of Eastview. They meet monthly for lunch and fellowship.
Look for activities in the weekly bulletin and on the church calendar.

Men’s Ministry

Director: Kevin Porter
Men reaching men. Our goal is as a group to develop men as the spiritual leaders of their home and church by encouraging prayer and the study of God’s word. Our purpose is to reach out to men bringing them together through fellowship and special events.
Keep an eye on the church calendar or the weekly bulletin for men’s events and activities.

Van Ministry

Eastview has been steadily reaching Lufkin to spread the gospel of Christ and the Lord has greatly used our Van Ministry to bring in souls to the Kingdom. Children, young people and adults have found their life changed because of this fantastic ministry.
At this time, our Van Ministry only picks up children for Sunday School.


Music Ministry

Music Director: Erica Gilliam
The Music Ministry helps set the atmosphere for our worship services and provides music for special events.
Practices are held on Tuesday nights and prior to each service. If you are interested in becoming involved in Eastview’s Music Ministry, contact Sis. Gilliam.

Media Missions

Audio & Lighting Director: Jonathan Graeber
Media & Website Director: Vickie Graeber
Photography & Social Media: Alex Reed
Video Director: Robert Trawick
Live Video Stream: John Riley
The Media Missions Ministry strives to enhance the worship experience of members and guests and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ with excellence. We also aim to equip & encourage others through the use of all media formats.
If you are unable to attend any of our services, check out our live webcast which is seen around the world by visiting our YouTube channel or our social media pages.

Bible Quizzing

Quiz Director & Senior Bible Quiz Coach: Keven Ellis
Junior Bible Quiz Coach: Ashton Bobbitt
Eastview has an incredible Bible Quiz program! Junior Bible Quizzing is open to Eastview students age 4-11, and Senior Bible Quizzing is open to Eastview students age 12-18.
Memorizing as many as 400-550 verses of scripture each quiz season, word-for-word from the King James Version of the Bible, quizzers’ understanding is tested by answering different types of questions in structured, team-based tournaments. This ministry is the real life application of Deut. 6:7. “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”

Bible Studies

Director: Hutch Burr
Eastview is on a mission to fulfill the great commission. We are endeavoring to reach our world with the gospel of Christ and it is our desire to do all we can to reach our community. If you would like to schedule a Bible Study, reach out to one of our members or give us a call. We’re happy to share the Good News!!


Director: Hutch Burr
Lifeline is a series of classes held on Wednesday Nights and is designed to establish and integrate newcomers into the body of Christ through Bible study and fellowship. If you are new to Eastview, we encourage you to get involved with the Lifeline Classes and get connected – to God, to His Word & to the Eastview Family! This series of classes is open to all members and to those who have recently received the Holy Ghost.


Global Missions

Director: Reagan Bobbitt
In striving to fulfill the great commission, Eastview gives financially to Global Missions OF the UPCI to help further the kingdom in the US and around the world. We also participate in mission trips.


Helping Hearts

Director: Kathy Burr
Classes are available to offer Christian support, education, and fellowship for those overcoming loss and grief. Helping Hearts is open to anyone in our community and is offered free of charge.
Check out Helping Heart’s Facebook page for encouraging posts and current group/class info.
Please reference our Church Calendar or Weekly Church Bulletin for occasional changes in event dates/times.