The Great Jungle Journey VBS
JULY 16-19, 2024
TIME: 6-9 PM, Tuesday – Friday
AGES: 4-11
VBS registration is free and open to the public for ages 4-11.
A Nursery & Toddler Class for children ages 0-3 is open to Eastview VBS Staff only.
This year’s theme is “The Great Jungle Journey,” an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelations. We have so much fun at VBS and look forward to it every year. We expect this year to be the best ever!!!
Registration for VBS is free. Eastview’s VBS is free and open to the public for ages 4-11. Attending Eastview’s VBS is free, but you can purchase the VBS Theme t-shirt for $12 each if desired.
VBS T-shirts are $12 each. VBS theme T-shirts can be added to your child’s registration if desired. The deadline to order a t-shirt is June 21.
Attention Parents: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be packed with fun activities for your kiddos. On Friday Night, we do things a little differently. Moms, Dads, and family are asked to stay, hear your child sing the songs they learned, and enjoy an evening full of food, fun, and games for the whole family as we wrap up an incredible week of The Great Jungle Journey VBS.